Monday, April 4, 2011

Farewell to Feminist

 I agree mostly with Judity Fetterley, she has a pretty good argument when it comes to Catherine Barkley. Catherine Barkley, according to Judity Fetterley is a scapegoat for Frederic Henry to get away from his responsibilities. Fetterley Talks a lot about Frederic Using Catherine in many different ways, from being his late night nurse(even though she worked in the day time) , to Henry being in charge of whether Catherine lives or dies, when Catherine says, “I go on so long im sorry for taking your time up doctor”. Henry and the “male” doctor is there the whole time saying “Catherine you’re not going to die today”. Fetterley blames Catherine for letting Henry take control over her because she said it was her decision from the start but Catherine wanted to build Henry’s ego, “she is forever asking him, “What would you like me to do now?” : as she continuously keeps asking him throughout the story”. However what I don’t agree with judity Fetterley on is the fact that she makes every remark in Hemingway’s book to be sexual when there is really nothing there. For instance when she is talking about how Rinaldi is towards Catherine “His one question about Catherine when Frederic returns to the front is “I mean is she good to you practically speaking?” Or when she talks about how Henry is towards Catherine when he first meets her, she talks about how Catherine felt like Henry just treated her like every other soldier had. Fetterley continues to tie everything to be sexual when its not that way, she is overanalyzing a lot of the text from Ernest Hemingway’s book, and making everything out to be sexist and that is where I disagree with Fetterley.

1 comment:

  1. Overall your insight was adequate and your opinion was obviously expressed. Even though blogs are not formal and grammar and spelling doesn’t have to be perfect, the several grammar mistakes kind of distracted me from your points. I agree with your two main points about Henry using Catherine as a “scapegoat” (nice word by the way) to run from his responsibilities and how sexual remarks are made when there is no sex involved within the scene from the text. Your writing style allowed me to see your exact view, yet the level of writing could’ve been higher since you didn’t really include much literary devices. Although, I could tell you really thought about the argument :)
